If you live in Alexandra Ward, you may be aware there is a borough council by election on Thursday 26 September. LEE REYNOLDS WHO LIVES IN THE WARD, IS OUR CANDIDATE.
Alexandra has been held by Labour most of its existence. So our Labour councillors take it for granted that it is a “safe seat” and it has become heavily neglected. As our area encompasses the town centre, the engine room of the Ipswich economy, this neglect is causing significant long term damage. Lee seriously backs business and if elected will truly stand up for Alexandra residents. Lee was a councillor until earlier in the year, so he is the only candidate with the experience of what it is really like and getting things done where he has to work with those from a different political party.
Tom Hunt is the Conservatives’ parliamentary candidate for the next general election. His wants to make cycling easier, and he has been helping to create a local Climate Change Commission. Tom is a keen supporter of increasing apprenticeships and technical training opportunities, and more support for those with specialist education needs. Tom says “I strongly support the commitment the Prime Minister has made to level up schools' funding. I want to ensure that Ipswich Hospital benefits from the merger with Colchester Hospital with important services being based in Ipswich. I also am determined that crime and anti social behaviour problems are addressed.”
Please feel free to contact Lee, his contact details are adjacent (or below if you are using mobile technology)
Our Town has suffered from rising crime, especially violent crime, with some areas also plagued by anti-social behaviour. The recent pledge to increase police numbers by 20,000 will see more officers for Ipswich. We are working closely with Tim Passmore, the PCC, and the police, to ensure these officers are deployed to tackle this. We will ensure that there is more aspiration for the young in our Town, giving them hope for the future, something lacking currently.
Ipswich has 5 Air Quality Management Areas, these are where the pollution is at levels that could be harmful. The St. Helens Street area is one of these. The Labour council is responsible for controlling this but are failing. We are passionate about the environment and with other Conservative Councillors, are actively promoting new ways to tackle this. We have forced Labour to reconsider their decision to remove kitchen waste from brown bins and to consider kerbside glass recycling.
The Labour-run council own the run-down shops on Grimwade St. They are in such a poor state they are to be replaced by 16 new council flats, greatly needed by Ipswich families on the waiting list. Ipswich Conservatives have a Local homes for Local people policy, so that that all new council housing will only go to Ipswich families. The Labour Council refuse to do this, so much of our housing goes to families from London. This is not fair and needs to end.
Ipswich has a rich history going back many centuries and has developed a diversity to be proud of. We are enriched by different cultures and we must continue to work hard to ensure all voices are heard. Lee and Tom have both been councillors and they appreciate the great value of the work done by many community groups and Lee promises to represent you at Council to make sure this area gets the funding it deserves, such as from the area committee.
Our historic Town Centre could, and should, be the centre-piece attraction for visitors to Ipswich but instead is full of empty shops with littered streets and illegal parking. A Conservative Council will take full advantage of Business Rate Relief for struggling retailers; keep the streets clean, bring in more "urban trees", hanging baskets and planters. Your Labour Council is killing our Town by buying out of town retail parks near Asda and at Martlesham – both in direct competition to the Town Centre.
Srategically we must look at long term ideas to reduce car use and promote greener travel options. These changes may take a generation, so we still must look at options to reduce the awful congestion within Ipswich. That is why Lee, Tom and Conservative colleagues, are campaigning vigorously for a Northern Bypass for our Town. The estimated traffic reductions on many roads cannot be ignored, as we all want to live in a cleaner environment.