On 29th October the Leader and Deputy Leader of our group - Councillor Ian Fisher and Sam Murray, contacted the MP for Ipswich and the Labour Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Public Protection to ask for us to meet to discuss knife crime in Ipswich and our calls for an Ipswich Knife Crime Strategy.
Despite sending a chaser to this letter, we are yet to receive a response. We have met with the Police and Crime Commissioner. We were hoping to get some cross party collaboration. It is disappointing that a straightforward request to meet and discuss a very serious issue for Ipswich has been ignored by the Town's MP. As stated in our letter, we are in agreement that knife crime needs to be tackled. We believe the people in Ipswich would like us to work together for their betterment.
Regardless, we will continue on our mission to get a knife crime strategy for Ipswich. Something this Conservative group have been campaigning for long before Mr Abbott became the town's MP.
You can see our letter here.
For coverage in the Ipswich Star, you can see the story here-