Ben campaigned for retaining services in Ipswich Hospital even before he became MP for Ipswich, successfully leading to bringing back heart and other specialist services to Heath Road. Since then, Ben has also secured a new surgical unit, new stroke services, a new heart unit, investment in community healthcare and the new "Two Rivers" super-surgery in Woodbridge Road East.
Ben is now working to secure a new generation of "primary care hubs" along the lines of the Two Rivers model. These will increase the number of appointments, increase the amount of care that can be provided out of hospital and help attract new GPs to work in our town.
Ben is also determined to ensure that all care homes in the town provide an acceptable level of care that is better integrated with our health services. After 2 local BUPA homes had serious concerns raised, Ben confronted the Chief Executive who agreed a rapid turn around plan. Both homes are now out of special measures.
None of our planned health care improvements will happen unless Theresa May is in Downing Street and Ben is our local MP. He has a proven track record of delivering for Ipswich and will do so again if elected.