Yesterday the Chancellor confirmed funding for the Wet Dock Crossing in Ipswich.
Since being elected last May Ben Gummer has been chairing a Wet Dock Crossing Taskforce to drive forward the delivery of this project. In December, the taskforce submitted a detailed Business Case to the Government which illustrated the benefits a Wet Dock Crossing would bring to Ipswich. Ipswich Conservatives have long supported plans to relieve traffic in our town and we welcome the news that the Chancellor has awarded £73.4 million towards the project. Many have doubted this project from the beginning but the news yesterday makes the plans one step closer to a reality.
This is absolutely fantastic news for Ipswich. The Wet Dock Crossing is the single most important piece of new infrastructure that the town needs at the moment. When completed, a Wet Dock Crossing will relieve traffic on the east – west routes in the town, stimulate regeneration around the waterfront and unlock the development of the island site to attract new jobs and investment.
Ben Gummer says, "I firmly believe that we have begun something very special in Ipswich: this bridge will show the world that the renaissance of our town has begun and will help us reach the ambitions that we all know that we can achieve."