Suffolk needs a strong and reliable transport network. We need a transport network that can help our businesses thrive, but also help us all get out – visit friends, family and enjoy ourselves.
That’s why we have been working with Network Rail and train operators across our county as part of our campaign for the best possible train services for the people of Suffolk.
That’s why we have pledged to repair 1,000 miles of Suffolk’s roads over the next four years and set up specialist teams to deal with issues like drainage more quickly – keeping our roads in better repair and more accessible.
That’s why we continued our investment in community transport through our Connecting Communities scheme, which has extended services in rural areas, providing people with a reliable community transport service to get them to college, work and hospital.
Our work can only continue by YOU Voting Conservative on Thursday 4th May - don't let Jeremy Corbyn's candidate get elected by mistake because YOU forgot to vote or thought you were too busy.