More good news for Ipswich Residents - the number of people on out of work benefits has fallen by 53% since 2010 when Ben Gummer was first elected as our MP and the Conservatives started repairing the economy, which Jeremy Corbyn's party had so recklessly driven to the edge of the cliff.
In the last year alone, claimant levels are down by 6%. For young people the claimant count is down by 27%.
Whilst Labour talk down the economy at every opportunity, Conservatives are getting on with improving the lives of people, by creating conditions for growth of employment and cutting taxes for 31 million people. A typical basic rate taxpayer is paying over £1,000 less income tax than when we came into government. And another 1.3 million of the lowest paid taken out of tax altogether.
It is far better that people have the pleasure of earning their own wages, and that is what we will continue to ensure here in Ipswich and across the country.