Message from Tom Hunt MP, and Cllr Ian Fisher, Conservative Group Leader
We all want to live in a place we can be proud to call home. Ipswich could, and should, be that place. There are so many wonderful things that we can boast about in our Town – our heritage, our outstanding parks, our many superb cultural venues and best of all, our people.
So why is it that so many of us do not feel that way? Your Labour-run Borough Council has overseen the steady demise of our Town. Where is their pride in Ipswich?
We have a Town Centre that many do not feel safe visiting, with huge numbers of empty buildings attracting anti-social behaviour. Rubbish bags are left in the street overnight, not a great advert for those visiting our theatres and restaurants, and the pavements are stained with chewing gum. Large groups of men congregate in certain areas, making people feel uneasy.
Outside of the Town Centre our verges and paths have become a disgrace. Weeds in the pavements, grass verges up to your knees, all creating an untidy-looking environment that encourages litter and dog fouling. Last year your Labour Council decided to totally remove all funding for this, without caring about the consequences.
Labour activists will knock on your door during this election campaign and try and convince you this is all the fault of someone else. They will blame the County Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner and most of all, the Government. Ask yourself this; If this really were true, then why is every town not suffering the same as Ipswich?
It really doesn’t have to be this way. We can have a Town we can all be proud of, an environment we all can share, somewhere we can shout about and somewhere that can attract visitors from afar. With your support, we can make this happen.