This Thursday, you have the opportunity to vote for change in Ipswich and elect new Conservative Councillors.
Time is running out to save our Town Centre. Labour’s 13 years of running the Council have been a disaster, with empty shops, anti-social behaviour and street-drinkers being the main adverts for our once proud town.
Ipswich Conservatives have a positive vision for the future. Only a vote for the Conservatives on 2nd May can make a difference and save our town.
Despite what other political parties tell you in their election leaflets, this election is NOT about matters for which Suffolk County Council are responsible nor national government, nor international affairs but solely what Ipswich Borough Council does.
You can see our commitments in our election pages.
Don't be misled by Labour and the Liberal Democrats. Only Conservatives and Tom Hunt MP have the vision for our town which residents have backed via our surveys.