On Wednesday evening, Ipswich Labour MP, Sandy Martin, didn't just vote for a second referendum on Brexit, he was also one of only a few MPs who voted to revoke article 50. Not even figures such as Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, Dianne Abbot or Keir Starmer went as far as voting to revoke article 50 and block Brexit without even holding a second referendum.
Ipswich voted to leave the EU. Overall 58% of people in the Town voted out. However it currently has a Labour MP who is doing everything he can to block the Brexit vote.
When asked about the issue on BBC Radio Suffolk this January Sandy Martin MP was reported as having said he knows better than his constituents.
Last December Ipswich Labour MP Sandy Martin said, "In any case, given the referendum result in 2016 it would be undemocratic to cancel Brexit without another referendum". However this Wednesday he voted to revoke article 50 and block Brexit without there needing to be a second referendum.
It's time Ipswich had an MP who would fight to ensure that the local Brexit vote is respected and the referendum result honored.